Creating a hunt group that rings users then goes to voicemail in embedded
- Create an Auto Attendant, name it MainAA
- Create a short code (i.e. *11) to send calls to Auto-Attendant
- Code: your code (i.e.*11)
- Feature: Auto Attendant
- Telephone Number: AA:MainAA
- Create a phantom user (i.e. 301 AA Ext)
- Voicemail tab: voicemail OFF
- Forwarding Tab:
- forward unconditional ON
- forward number is your short code (i.e. *11)
- forward hunt group calls ON
- forward internal calls ON
- Create an AA transfer hunt group (i.e. 302 AA1)
- User list: only your phantom user (i.e. 301 AA Ext)
- Overflow OFF
- Voicemail OFF
- Incoming call route, destination is your hunt group (i.e. 200 Main)
- In Main Hunt Group, put users to ring prior to AA in the hunt group. Set overflow time.
- Overflow tab: overflow mode is Call. In Overflow Group list, add your AA transfer hunt group (i.e. AA1)
- Immediate Overflow is OFF