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  5. Creating a hunt group that rings users then goes to voicemail in embedded

Creating a hunt group that rings users then goes to voicemail in embedded

Creating a hunt group that rings users then goes to voicemail in embedded

  1. Create an Auto Attendant, name it MainAA
  2. Create a short code (i.e. *11) to send calls to Auto-Attendant
    1. Code: your code (i.e.*11)
    2. Feature: Auto Attendant
    3. Telephone Number: AA:MainAA
  3. Create a phantom user (i.e. 301 AA Ext)
    1. Voicemail tab: voicemail OFF
    2. Forwarding Tab:
      1. forward unconditional ON
      2. forward number is your short code (i.e. *11)
  • forward hunt group calls ON
  1. forward internal calls ON
  1. Create an AA transfer hunt group (i.e. 302 AA1)
    1. User list: only your phantom user (i.e. 301 AA Ext)
    2. Overflow OFF
    3. Voicemail OFF
  2. Incoming call route, destination is your hunt group (i.e. 200 Main)
  3. In Main Hunt Group, put users to ring prior to AA in the hunt group. Set overflow time.
    1. Overflow tab: overflow mode is Call. In Overflow Group list, add your AA transfer hunt group (i.e. AA1)
    2. Immediate Overflow is OFF



Updated on June 8, 2017

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